The Mercury Oracle - The Original Expandable Oracle
Created by Lewis Neeff
An 88 card Oracle system, of strange techniques, odd dimensions, and practical wisdom for making a map through shifting realities.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
IMPORTANT: All physical pledges now include Swag! + You can now expand your Oracle!
almost 2 years ago
– Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 09:14:00 PM
I wanted to thank all of you for pledging and let you know that all physical pledges now include the classic zener cards as well as a little enamel Burn your boat pin! Images below!
You can now Add Altar Cloths, Oracle Coins, and Prints!
There are many expansions so you can add to your deck to fit your needs accordingly!
Just go to click on the “Manage My Pledge” button and add the amount of your add-ons you would like. At the end of the kickstarter you will receive a survey where you will select the actual items you manually added on.
(If you have suggestions for an expansion you'd like to see, don't be afraid to nudge your ol' friend NEEFF! This is a community project after all!)
T H A N K Y O U!
Add ons now available. 76% funded and 8 days to go!
almost 2 years ago
– Tue, Mar 14, 2023 at 01:40:26 PM
I've created a few add ons that you can add to your order including the Altar cloth and art prints! Doing so is easy:
Choose a reward tier and pledge. Once you have pledged for your main item you can click on the “Manage My Pledge” button and add the amount of your add-ons you would like.
At the end of the kickstarter you will receive a survey where you will select the actualitems you manually added on.
Thank you all so much for backing! Since it's the last week of funding and we are so close to our goal, be sure share with your friends and colleagues!
A full reading demonstration - Pick a Pile
almost 2 years ago
– Sat, Mar 04, 2023 at 09:30:15 PM
I had many requests to make one of these! A showcase of how the cards work! Enjoy!
Red matte Edges and an Example Reading!
almost 2 years ago
– Fri, Mar 03, 2023 at 05:45:42 PM
Hello all! I just wanted to let you know that I'll be updating the stretch goal to include red matte edges as oppossed to the gold guilded and let you know that I did a guest reading with Eye of the Serpent Tarot over on youtube.
If you want to see the cards in action head on over:
Thanks everyone!
The Fool's Map + Upcoming Stretch Goals
almost 2 years ago
– Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 10:46:54 AM
Hello! I've been doing a lot of introspective work and trying to illustrate the capabilities of the Oracle to everyone who is new. So over the course of the next few weeks there is going to be some changes in the Kickstarter page to better illustrate how the Oracle operates to make a map. I've been calling the Oracle "The Fool's Map," for quite some time although the official name that it chose for it self is the Mercury Oracle. So the first order of business is that I have changed the title of the Kickstarter. Just a heads up!
I always imagined that the Oracle is sort of like a magical divinatory tool that helps inquirers build a map through shifting realities by first giving the user a robust toolkit of magical techniques to practice their will over their circumstance and then laying them out sequentially in a narrative sequence to make a map of a situation. Like a point A to point B scenario with more Magical approach. Do this and and this to get to your desired outcome.
Of course it also doubles as a way to map out a situation like any other oracle system!
Next order of Business is that I will be expanding the Oracles stretch goals to include an meditations expansion. There was a suggestion that I absolutely love to include the Yantras brilliant idea!
If you have any ideas that you would like to see incorporated into your Fool's Map! Please let me know! And don't forget to share with your friends! Let's get this thing funded and some extra goodies made!