
The Mercury Oracle - The Original Expandable Oracle

Created by Lewis Neeff

An 88 card Oracle system, of strange techniques, odd dimensions, and practical wisdom for making a map through shifting realities.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

1/11 New Moon Ritual+ Giveaway Winner + Shipping Delays
about 1 year ago – Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 02:16:24 PM

Hello My Friends! 

This email update is in three parts, please scroll to whichever part interests you the most

1: Tonights New Moon Ritual

2: Live Giveaway Winner

3: Shipping Updates/Delay1

1 - The 1/11 New Moon:

I've been a haze this last week as I was down for the count battling a crazy cold.  I slept most of the week and have been having vivid dreams.  Last night I was visited by three 8 ft tall majestic Seagoats that easily climbed out of the crashing ocean and up a steep cliff before stopping to acknowledge me and remind me it's a new Moon in Capricorn. So beautiful and with great timing.

Today marks the first new moon of the year and 1/11. This Capricorn New Moon is a very powerful time for some Moon Magick around our work and new projects. (For those of you that purchased a Lunar calendar, Thank you!)

I wanted to invite you to join me to harness the power of this new moon this evening.

Tonight we have a new moon in Capricorn trining Uranus in Taurus, starting the new year with new projects and setting new goals in the realm of material wealth is the most effective way to communicate with the ever-watchful Saturn (ruling Capricorn) who will be closely monitoring this entire process, and he expects you to come correct and on time. If the trine is the arrow, his opposition to Midheaven/Juno is the shaft.

Here is your 1/11 Capricorn Checklist

•You most likely set out your goals and intentions for the year, this is a wonderful time to put them to paper, get as detailed as possible about what it you want to accomplish
•Balance your books! - Take a close look at your finances, and cancel any subscriptions that you no longer need or use
•Ask yourself how your material wealth brings you security and how it affects your relationships in business and in love. What can change?
•Now that you have all of it front of you write it out in pen and sign and date it in a petition. If you've never written a new moon petition, yee-haw you are in for a fun ride. (how to video below by the lovely Jessica Alexandria)

And for a more detailed outline of this year I wanted to gift you a detailed 2024 New Moon guide to the year here

2 - Live Giveaway Winner:

Thanks to all those who joined me in my new studio for the 2024 Zodiac Live reading (and thanks for hanging in despite technically difficulties with the mic!)  All in attendance have been entered into a pool and I've picked a random winner who will be recieving an a 10x10 watercolor print of the Struggle Through card.

And the Winner is...

Adela Winter! 

CONGRATS!  I'll get this in the mail to you this week!

3 - Shipping Delay:

I wanted to reach out to everyone and let you know that there has been a delay in the delivery of the Oracle.

I don't know what it's like to carry a child, but I spoke with my friend Helen over at Eye of the Serpent Tarot during a reading she said "it's like you are giving birth," and I think that is the most apt metaphor I've heard yet. Basically, I received an advance copy of the oracle and it was far below the standard of quality I would expect from the company I am working with.  Radically different than previous copies I've recieved.  I am working diligently to ensure that the final oracle will last a lifetime.  It is looking good, but, I am still waiting for updated shipping times.  I could ship them out, but would never release something into the world that is below our expectations.

I know everyone is excited to see this shipped, and believe me I am right there with you!  This Oracle has already changed my life drastically for the better at least 4 times.  I can't wait to share and get this all over the world. 
And please keep in mind that with the success of the kickstarter, the scope of the work nearly tripled. I got to draw and write a second deck/develop a way to expand your deck and book in the meantime, which is such a blessing! I'm doing a ton behind the scenes: developing new products, building and expanding a new site, drawing and mapping new cards, social media, I excited to reorient my studio to accommodate live readings and a youtube community, I've got classes in the works and am implementing and exploring a community platform for discussions beyond the discord.  Basically I am bracing for growth and I hope you are too!

Thank you for joining me on this journey, It ain't a journey without a few bumps in the road and it's all coming together!



Going Live at 7pm pst
about 1 year ago – Fri, Jan 05, 2024 at 06:48:55 PM

We will be doing reading per zodiac sign! and a giveaway for those who participate! See you there.


Giveaway + New Years Reading by Zodiac Sign tomorrow night!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Jan 04, 2024 at 06:48:41 PM

Hello All!

The universe moved me around a lot last year and I'm glad to say I'm finally getting settled in my new studio with new equipment for going live and reading cards!  YAY!

To celebrate the New Year, let's do a live going over all the zodiac signsand do a little channeling tomorrow! 

Also I will be doing a giveaway of a big ol' "struggle through" watercolor print at the end of the live, because why not!?

Looking forward to seeing you!


Thursday's Live Replay
about 1 year ago – Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 07:11:42 PM

Hey All,

Thanks so much for tuning in, hanging out and asking questions with me!

Here is a link to the replay.  I'm moving into a new studio soon that will be very condusive to more live hangouts and art making.
